24th February 2018 – What a great Annual Burns Supper, ably led from the front by Bro. Gordon McLeod Right Worshipful Master and chaired in an equally impressive manner by Bro. Ian Wilson PM.
The attendees were entertained to the highest level, we started with “The Selkirk Grace” by Bro. Donnie MacLeod IPM and then his big Brother, Bro. Tam McLeod PM in his address to “The Haggis” .
Bro. Rab McGhee PM of Lodge Old Monkland St. James No. 177 followed delivering “The Immortal Memory” followed by Mr Ronnie Wilson’s hilarious “Toast to The Lassies”.
Miss Elanor Davidson in her debut on The Burns circuit “Replying to the Lassies” bringing the house down, giving it to the men in her own style.
During the evening we were entertained to a range of of Burns songs for Bro Frank a PM of Lodge Cumbernauld No .199, all that and to top it all off Bro. Alex Maitland PM with his passionate “The Star o Rabbie Burns” , the official harmony kicked off with the Ligget family pipe band, what a talent.
Bro. Gordon McLeod RWM would like to thank all who attended to make it a special evening in his year.